Ajay “Ajax” Sharma

To be able to evolve as a person and build a ecosystem where I can contribute to my satisfaction is what prompted me to build Bhadraj. Being in Nature has taught me selflessness and ethos of keep evolving  whatever the condition be.  It is my life learning that history and nature teaches you everything that you wish to be, if you are aware of the surrounding

Ajay Sharma is multifaceted personality who have tried whatever can be tried in this cycle of life. From dabbling into medical  career to hospitality sector and finally into teaching . Ajay Sir is now a full time naturalist and birding expert from Uttarakhand . His obsession of late is  Ashoka the Great, the long lost ruler of Maurya Dynasty, whose dominance when unearthed  rewrote the history of the Indian Peninsula. He is also the  unsung activist  of Uttarakhand Movement , which was the single largest movement for state activism in 1990’s  ultimately concluded in birth of new state of Uttarakhand in 2000.

Post graduate in History, Ajay Sharma can be found in hills of Uttarakhand looking for ruins and archaeological sites to map what it was. He is budding anthropologist as well and while in heritage walk with him , you get to understand the socio cultural aspect of the destination and why it was and how it shaped the future of the place.

Ajay Sharma